Wednesday, September 21, 2011


UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Tenses education for all; education for a better life
(Bagian 3)
Tenses yaitu bentuk kata kerja Bahasa Inggris yang perubahannya berkaitan dengan ‘waktu’.
Misal: Verb 1 (infinitive), Verb 2, dan Verb 3.
Contoh penggunaan ‘tenses’:
1. Saya belajar di SMP (saat ini) 1. I study at SMP
2. Saya belajar di SD tiga tahun yang lalu 2. I studied at SD three years ago
3. Saya akan belajar di SMA tahun depan 3. I will study at SMA next year
Ada 16 bentuk tenses. Untuk tingkat SMP, jenis tenses dasar yang harus dikuasi adalah:
A. Simple Present
B. Simple Past
C. Present Continuos
D. Present Perfect
E. Present Future
A. SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (waktu kini / saat ini)
Digunakan untuk menjelaskan sesuatu yang bersifat umum dan kebiasaan.
Pola: 1. S + V1 (s/es) I like English, she likes English, they like English
2. S + to be + Complement. I am fine, she is diligent, they are here.
Complement: Non-Verb, bukan kata kerja (Contoh: Adjective, Noun and Adverb).
Keterangan Waktu dan Frekwensi:
Every, usually, always, often, sometimes, seldom, ever, never.
Untuk pola 1 = Ada penambahan s/es pada V1 jika Subj he, she, it
Untuk kal. Negative dan Tanya, kata kerja Bantu-nya (Aux.Verb): do / does
( I, you, we, they = do ) ( He, she, it = does )
Untuk pola 2 = to be (am, is, are) tergantung subject.
( I = am ) ( He, she, it = is ) ( You, we, they = are )
Contoh kalimat:
1. (+) She plays badminton every Sunday
(-) She does not play badminton every Sunday
(?) Does she play badminton every Sunday?
2. (+) He is smart.
(-) He is not smart
(?) Is he smart?
B. SIMPLE PAST TENSE (waktu lampau)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan di masa lampau/lalu.
Pola: 1. S + V2 I studied English yesterday
2. S + to be + Complement She was sick last night, they were here yesterday
UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Tenses education for all; education for a better life
Complement: Non-Verb, bukan kata kerja (Contoh: Adjective, Noun and Adverb).
Keterangan Waktu:
Yesterday, last ---, --- ago, in 1997, etc.
Pola 1. Pembentukan V2 :
Untuk regular verb (teratur) >> tambahkan d/ed
Untuk irregular verb (tdk teratur) >> lihat kamus (daftar Verb)
Untuk kal. Negative dan Tanya, kata kerja bantu-nya (Aux. Verb) adalah: did
Pola 2. To be (was, were) tergantung Subject
>> I, he, she, it = was. >> You, we, they, jamak = were
Contoh kalimat:
(+) She played badminton yesterday
(-) She did not play badminton yesterday
(?) Did she play badminton yesterday?
(+) He was here last night
(-) He was not here last night
(?) Was he here last night?
C. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE (waktu sedang-sekarang)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi (sekarang)
Pola: S + to be + V-ing to be present: (is, am, are)
Keterangan Waktu:
Now, at present, at this moment
Contoh kalimat:
(+) He is studying English now.
(-) He is not studying English now
(?) Is he studying English now?
Catatan: Tidak semua kata kerja bisa diubah menjadi bentuk continuous. Misalnya: Verb be, believe,
know, like, understand, want, see.
D. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (telah / sudah)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang telah atau sudah selesai dilakukan.
Pola: 1. S + have/has + V3 I have worked for 1 hour
2. S + have/has + been + Complement I have been here for 1 hour
Complement: Non-Verb, bukan kata kerja (Contoh: Adjective, Noun and Adverb).
Penggunaan ‘have’ atau ‘has’ tergantung pada Subject.
􀂷 I, you, we, they, jamak = have
􀂷 He, she, it = has
Keterangan Waktu:
since (sejak), for (selama), already/just now (baru saja)
Contoh kalimat:
(+) She has worked at the bank for 4 years.
(-) She has not worked at the bank for 4 years
UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Tenses education for all; education for a better life
(?) Has she worked at the bank for 4 years?
Jika negative (has not / have not) : belum
Jika ditambah ‘ever’ : sudah pernah
Jika ditambah ‘never’ : belum pernah
I have ever met him (saya sudah pernah bertemu dia)
I have not met him (saya belum bertemu dia)
I have never met him (saya belum pernah bertemu dia)
E. PRESENT FUTURE TENSE (akan, di masa mendatang)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masa mendatang.
Pola: 1. S + will + V1/inf 1. I will work tomorrow
2. S + will + be + Complement 2. I will be here tomorrow
Complement: Non-Verb, bukan kata kerja (Contoh: Adjective, Noun and Adverb).
Pola Lain: kata ‘will’, diganti dengan to be + going to
to be (is,am,are) sesuaikan dengan Subject-nya
Contoh: I will work tomorrow / I am going to work tomorrow
She will work tomorrow / She is going to work tomorrow
Keterangan Waktu, misalnya: tomorrow, next time, next week, tonight, coming holiday
Contoh kalimat:
(+) she will write the letter tonight.
(-) She will not write the letter tonight.
(?) Will she write the letter tonight?
􀂷 Dalam kalimat pengandaian, present future berpasangan dengan simple present.
Contoh: I will come if he invites me.
1. Dian Basuki is a piano player. He plays the piano very well. He ______ many competitions in
Indonesia since he was a primary school student. (UN 2006/P1)
A. wins
B. has won
C. will won
D. won
PEMBAHASAN: Untuk melengkapi kalimat terakhir dari soal di atas, perhatikan keterangan waktu
‘since’ (sejak). Berarti kalimat tersebut ber-tenses ‘Present Perfect’ (telah/sudah). Pola
‘Present Perfect’: Subj + have/has + V3. Maka pilihan yang tepat adalah ‘has won’ (telah
2. Teacher : Who’s absent today, children?
Jihan : Umar, Sir. He’s sick. His mother ______ him to the clinic yesterday.
Teacher : I see. (UN 2005/P1)
A. will take
B. has taken
C. takes
D. took
UJIAN NASIONAL – SMP _BHS.INGGRIS Materi: Tenses education for all; education for a better life
PEMBAHASAN: Kalimat Jihan yang kedua, ada keterangan waktu yesterday. Berarti Kalimat
Simple Past, menggunakan Verb 2. Pilihan yang menunjukkan Verb 2 adalah ‘took’.
3. Syfa : Tell me about your plan for the coming holiday.
Anggi : I ______ my holiday in China.
Syfa : It sounds interesting. (UN 2003/P2)
A. have spent
B. am going to spend
C. spend
D. spent
PEMBAHASAN: Syfa menanyakan apa rencana (plan) Anggi untuk liburan mendatang (coming
holiday). Berarti jawaban yang dibutuhkan adalah kalimat ‘present future’ (yang akan datang).
Kata-kata yang sama artinya dengan ‘will’ adalah ‘to be + going to’ (akan): am going to spend
(akan menghabiskan).

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